Essential Photo Apps to Take On The Go

By Sarah John Afana 

No longer are we expected to gather around to look at Uncle Harvey’s vacation slides at Sunday night dinner. Instead, we bombard our “friends” and “followers” with a constant stream of instagrams, tweets, and photo album updates from our phones while we are actually on vacation. So how do we take the shots to rival National Geographic?

Camera apps

Make everyone envious of your last trip with these awesome apps!

It’s all about the photo apps folks—the camera tools, self-timers, photo editors, collage creators, and caption writers that take your pictures from “scroll past” to “envy worthy” with just a few swipes of your finger.



photo apps camera

Camera+ helps you to take the perfect selfie!

With all the updates and constant redesigns of smart phones, the cameras are getting better and better, but if you want to take the built-in iPhone camera to the next level, snap your shots in Camera+. The exposure controls and stabilizer will give you the opportunity to dial in a sharper, balanced image. Are you addicted to selfies? Take a step back and see yourself in the scene with the 5, 15 or 30 second timer, freeing your arms from awkwardly angling to fit you and the beautiful waterfall behind you in the same frame.




Sometimes nature isn't cooperative. Snapseed is here to help!

Sometimes nature isn’t cooperative. Snapseed is here to help!

Now you’ve adjusted the focus and grabbed the iconic snap of you and your honey standing on the beach at sunset, but the silhouettes are too dark, the horizon is slanted, sun’s gone down, and there’re no do-overs. Open the photo in Snapseed for a quick fix. With 15 tabs of editing tools at your fingertips, we imagine every snapshot from that year of quenching your wanderlust is salvageable. Professional tools set in a user-friendly format allow you to tune in the lighting, contrast, saturation and more. Try the endless combinations of filter effects if you’re feeling artsy. Subtle changes to full overhauls are possible with Snapseed.


PhotoCollage and Flipagram

After an entire week spent strolling, screaming, and scaring your way up the California coast tour of amusement parks, it’s occurred to you that sharing all 1,048 photos may alienate some of your devoted fans on Facebook. (We know, they’re all keepers.) Solution No.1: make a collage of the highlights with PhotoCollage. Choose a few favorites, adjust the frame, add filters and captions to help tell the story, and send it out to all those waiting friends who are refreshing their stream in anticipation of your next roller coaster excursion. If cropping your perfect compositions to fit the small corner of a collage goes against your artistic vision, then Flipagram is Solution No.2 and the one for you. Create a slideshow “video” complete with title screen and soundtrack and humbly admire all the “likes” that are showered upon you.

Bermuda Photo app Fairmont

Collage made by Sarah John Afana at the Fairmont Southampton in Bermuda.

Check out the GOGO Vacations’ HQ in this Flipagram from Halloween, and don’t miss out on Copywriter Susie’s vacation to Disneyland California in this Flipagram complied and arranged by me!
Seeing new places and trying new things are what travel is all about. Capturing those experiences for future reminiscing is the best souvenir you can bring back. Follow our gallery of souvenirs on Instagram with @GOGOVacations.