Tag Archives: Reykjavik

Top 10 Cities Surrounded by Nature

The best of both worlds…that’s what you get when you visit one of these beautiful cities in the summertime. Outdoor enthusiasts (and those just in need of a little nature…

5 Magnificent Museums of Europe

With as much history as there is in Europe, it’s a marvel just to explore its world-renowned museums. If you’re planning an upcoming vacation to Florence, Paris, Athens, London, or…

London LGBT

Show Your Pride – International Edition

Love is universal, and Pride celebrations spread across the global and the calendar. Check out these Pride festivals, located in countries that celebrate same-sex marriage and welcome LGBT tourists for…

Quest for the Iron Throne

Winter is here. Yes, we know it’s the middle of July, but the highly-anticipated Season 7 of HBO’s hit TV series Game of Thrones (GoT) has finally begun. As we anxiously watch…